My Heart is Feeling…..

My heart is feeling the presence of the One Infinite God of All - the intelligence, consciousness, existence who created this individual soul who is writing this now. It is a depth of love and comfort - with the feeling of a physical hand on my chest. More and more I keep letting go of trying to control the experiences of every day human life. But at the same moment, the mental mind wants to distract me with issues of some physical challenges I am going through at this time. It is that part of me who has worried so many times over the years, which could probably circle the earth a trillion times. This I know is a common thing among many humans, so I do…

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Ego is the Separator

  Ego is the separator of everyone. Ego is an energetic structure around every human body. It is the way our luminous light body (soul) can experience physical life - the way God can experience life through us. What I have come to realize is that our ego is an energetic structure around our physical bodies - it is what makes up our mental and emotional subtle (energetic) bodies - it is a protector of us. The ego structure allows our souls to experience life in an apparent separate physical body (I say apparent as our physical bodies are around 80% water, so how can they really be physical?) Also, with my experience of seeing everyone in a store that I use to work at, including physical…

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A Belief is Subjective

A belief is subjective to a person's past experiences of what they were told and what they experienced in their lives. So many people are walking around with beliefs that they are unaware of having or the affect they have on their lives. We all have energetic bodies around our physical body, which many would call our Aura. One of these subtle bodies is called our mental body which holds every belief we have ever learned or absorbed from the people around us. All of these beliefs have certain frequencies and we are constantly sending these frequencies out, which attract and create our outer realities (lives). So, is a belief always of absolute truth? I feel that most beliefs are only true based upon one's own personal…

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Human Bodies are Vehicles for the Soul

Human bodies are vehicles that allow our souls to experience life on earth. Our souls are of pure infinite light and love of the Creator of all that there is.  We are individual light-streams of the Creator's consciousness being projected into physical form...there is no separation between us.  So, the human body is a vehicle that gives us the opportunity to feel physical and separate from everything. In some ways, the car that we drive is very similar to our human body and mind. We sit in our cars driving somewhere and our Soul sits in the human body walking or running somewhere. In the newer cars, a GPS is like our mind, it can be programmed to whatever directions of where we want to go; and our human mind can…

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