A Floating Orb Experience

Back in 2007 I was living in Sedona, Arizona when I experienced one of the most out of this world events in my every day life. Late one evening I was sitting on my couch watching something on the computer when my eyes caught this green light in the corner of the living room window.  I got up to see what it was and saw this large, luminous, vibrant orb floating down from the sky - it was an amazing experience.  When it came close to touching the ground, it disappeared - like a soap bubble.  I said out loud something like "Oh my God, are they coming to my apartment?" Back then I did not know what orbs were really about, just that I saw them…

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Mount Shasta Ascension Portal Experience

                                         Almost two weeks ago I had one of the most powerful experiences of a download of higher cosmic light pouring into my physical body.  A very good friend was visiting me in Mount Shasta and felt guided to take her to a very special place on the mountain.  Earlier that morning, I met a woman who said she was getting that I needed to go up on the mountain, which confirmed what I was feeling. So we hiked off the main road in about a foot of snow and my friend was expressing concern if she would be able to handle the hike or not.  I let her know it was not a long distance hike, but wanted to honor what she felt as I…

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Trees are Healing

  I am in love with the spirit of trees. It all started last year during the month of November when I had my first transcendental experience with a tree. Quite a few people in the past would tell me that I needed to ground my energy by connecting with the trees. I tried this, but did not feel anything except for the bark of the tree and my mind was saying something like "I do not know what others are feeling, but I do not feel anything." One day I was having a day of over thinking and decided to go to my favorite vortex area called Boynton Canyon. On my way back down from the vortex, I decided to walk up to this one tree…

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A Powerful Vortex of Energy is Located in Port Townsend, Washington

  While I was working at a Pottery Shop in Sedona, this lovely couple came in and we had a strong connection with one another.  A year later, they returned and looked me up and invited me to come visit Port Townsend, WA where they live.  At first, I was very resistant due to the weather being not as warm and sunny as I prefer, but  I received inner guidance that I was meant to go.  I became aware before my visit to Port Townsend, that it had multiple vortex energy centers. Perhaps it would be wise for me to first explain what a vortex is, after all I lived in Sedona for 10 1/2 years and use to take people out on the land for healing.…

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Everything is Coming Up to Be Healed

Everything is coming up to be healed.  Life for many feels like the world is coming apart.  However, from a higher perspective the world that we have grown accustomed to over hundreds of years is coming to an end.  The old cannot continue any longer without heavy consequences to those who are doing harm to themselves or others, either consciously or unconsciously. Hatred, judgment, racism, wars, corporate greed, printing money when countries are already bankrupt, secretly poisoning of humanity with chemicals in food and water is coming up to the surface to be cleansed and healed. The masses who have been asleep for a long time, blindly believing what they have been programmed to believe, are starting to wake up to what has been happening behind closed…

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My Heart is Feeling…..

My heart is feeling the presence of the One Infinite God of All - the intelligence, consciousness, existence who created this individual soul who is writing this now. It is a depth of love and comfort - with the feeling of a physical hand on my chest. More and more I keep letting go of trying to control the experiences of every day human life. But at the same moment, the mental mind wants to distract me with issues of some physical challenges I am going through at this time. It is that part of me who has worried so many times over the years, which could probably circle the earth a trillion times. This I know is a common thing among many humans, so I do…

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A Mother’s Love

A mother's love is the pureness of the feminine energy that we all have within ourselves.  Today is Mother's Day and I am celebrating and honoring the feminine energy that lies within all humans, Mothers and Mother Earth herself.  I personally am including my own beloved Mother Nancy who is now the expansiveness of light and who showed me such pureness of love the last years of her physical life.  In addition, I would like to include Arlen who just passed away a couple of weeks ago who had lost her daughter, my friend, Terra last year - both kind and gentle souls who displayed the pureness of feminine love. It is the feminine energy that is the pure love of being unconditional, flexible and fluid like…

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A Belief is Subjective

A belief is subjective to a person's past experiences of what they were told and what they experienced in their lives. So many people are walking around with beliefs that they are unaware of having or the affect they have on their lives. We all have energetic bodies around our physical body, which many would call our Aura. One of these subtle bodies is called our mental body which holds every belief we have ever learned or absorbed from the people around us. All of these beliefs have certain frequencies and we are constantly sending these frequencies out, which attract and create our outer realities (lives). So, is a belief always of absolute truth? I feel that most beliefs are only true based upon one's own personal…

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Acceptance of Every Moment

Acceptance of every moment manifests freedom of pain and suffering.  It is our human ego self who wants to control and judge our lives instead of surrendering it to our Higher God Selves.  The reason for this is because the collective consciousness of humanity, which we are all plugged into, has been programmed to believe we have to make things happen on our own vs. allowing and trusting that our Higher Selves know exactly what is best for us.  Also, the only reason why we judge our experiences is because of the duality matrix that we live in - good/bad, black/white, pretty/ugly, rich/poor.  If we raise our energetic frequencies of consciousness out of this duality matrix, then we see through different eyes and no longer judge any…

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Following Your Heart vs. Your Mind

  Us as a collective race have been programmed by family, friends and society to listen to what our minds are telling us vs. what we are feeling in our hearts.  There is a great shift of consciousness happening on this beautiful planet of ours from living thousands of years in the masculine rigidity of control, competition and thinking ones life to the feminine energies of fluidity, flexibility, community and living from one's heart. This can be very challenging for many of us, as our ego minds will tell us it is irrational to follow what we feel in our hearts. The ego mind will come up with all excuses possible to not listen to your heart and soul.  Things like, "What will others think of me," "How…

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