Everything is Coming Up to Be Healed

Everything is coming up to be healed.  Life for many feels like the world is coming apart.  However, from a higher perspective the world that we have grown accustomed to over hundreds of years is coming to an end.  The old cannot continue any longer without heavy consequences to those who are doing harm to themselves or others, either consciously or unconsciously. Hatred, judgment, racism, wars, corporate greed, printing money when countries are already bankrupt, secretly poisoning of humanity with chemicals in food and water is coming up to the surface to be cleansed and healed. The masses who have been asleep for a long time, blindly believing what they have been programmed to believe, are starting to wake up to what has been happening behind closed…

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Being Molested Takes Your Power Away

Being molested takes your power away from you, sometimes for most of your life.  I must say, that I wasn't planning on writing about this as I like to stay in the present moment, but I had a brief dream that woke me up around 3 am in the morning.  In this dream, someone asked me to share my experiences of being molested at some sort of event, saying that it would help others to heal.  Then I woke up and started to write this down in my journal of dreams and as I was going back to bed, I experienced a huge amount of energy (light) pouring on top of my head.  So, I intuitively knew I was being guided to share about being molested as…

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