Mother Mary Came Alive

  Mother Mary came alive in Mount Shasta at the Peace Garden for me.  It was a day that the ego/mind was a little busy and I walked up to her and asked her to make me into a flame of love.  With my eyes open, I started seeing the air turn into mists of white light and then felt a beam of love coming into my heart center.  I was excited to experience this as I had not seen through the illusion for some time. As I stood there for about an hour or so, I started to see the statue become fluid of light/energy, all the while feeling so much love and peace.  I kept watching her face and several times, I started to see…

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Waiting for a Feeling

Waiting for a feeling to make an action step towards manifesting something in your life.  Some experiences happened in my life just recently and I was reflecting on them realizing that if I had acted too soon or too late, these experiences would never have happened. One of my headlights had burned out a number of weeks ago, which I discovered when a police officer pulled me over.  I kept getting to wait on replacing the headlight - I thought it was because my car was not going to last too long, but it may have been more about allowing the Universe to line things up for it to be fixed in a beautiful way.  It meant I could not be up on the mountain to enjoy…

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